Big Bend Parks & Recreation for Kids
We’re a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to park and playground improvements in the Big Bend region of Texas.
Mission Statement
“Our mission is to improve parks and playgrounds in and around the Big Bend area.
Parks are used a lot in this region, and safe play equipment, walking trails, better shade, benches, and updated fitness equipment are just some ways to improve our outdoor spaces.”
Origin Story
This Alpine-based non-profit began from humble roots. It all began when a local pediatrician noticed too many playground injuries were occurring for the small size of our community. Upon looking into the causes, she found a lot of outdated, dangerous, and rusted park equipment. This led to her and a handful of mothers coming together to address this need and to begin a non-profit.
Over time, with a lot of dedication, hard work, and coordination with the City of Alpine, fundraising led to new park equipment that slowly began to be placed throughout city parks. Older equipment was removed, and our outdoor parks began their journey into something beautiful.
Join us at these upcoming BBPaRKS events!
Annual Community Meeting
Sunday, September 10
4:00-5:00 PM
Juan Medina Park
Come join us for an ice cream social as we discuss our next project at the American Legion Playground (near the middle school).
Pumpkin Giveaway Fall Fundraiser
October 28, 2023
We are looking for several volunteers for our upcoming fall fundraiser! We need help serving treats and face painting. Contact TK Santos (bbparkspresident@gmail.com) if you are interested in helping with one of our biggest fundraisers of the year!
Giving & Donations
Annual Membership
Annual membership for a family is as little as $20 per year. As a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization your membership is tax deductible.
You can make a donation to Big Bend Parks and Recreation for Kids at any meeting or event, or by mailing a check to:
PO Box 1423
Alpine, TX 79831
Planned Giving
We will need the help of the community, both for funding and for hands-on work. Of course, we will continue to apply for grants, and we will continue to encourage the City of Alpine to increase the budget for parks and recreation. Some improvements can be done inexpensively with volunteer labor and Alpine is rich in knowledgeable, artistic, and community-minded people. This kind of help will be vital, and maintaining the interest and dedication of our members/volunteers over time will be an important focus of the group. But there is no question that we will need financial support from the community. Safe and durable play equipment, for instance, is very expensive, and this equipment is one of our most pressing needs. Whatever amount you are able to give, know that all the money you are able to give will go to the improvements; there are no staff members to pay at Big Bend PaRKs. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donation is tax deductible.
Donations may be mailed to:
Big Bend Parks and Recreation for Kids
PO Box 1423
Alpine, TX 79831
Join Us and Support Our Parks!
Big Bend Parks and Recreation for Kids (BBPaRKs) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that officially began on July 14, 2014. We are a member run organization that allows every member to have a vote in organizational decisions and elections. Membership is $10 per year and if you are interested in either becoming a member or volunteering your time please contact us. We always welcome and encourage anyone to join our winning team!